Archmolds Maximum Cushion Insole Reviews

Archmolds   Maximum Cushion Insole,Blue,E Men  7 - 7 .5/  8 .5 - 9
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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I have been wearing this product for more than ten years. They last a long time and are comfortable. No complaints about this product.

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I play soccer a lot on hard surfaces and used this in my soccer shoes. I have much less plantar fasciitis pain now.

Best Deals on Archmolds Maximum Cushion Insole

I have VERY high arches and fairly large feet for a female (size 12). After a lifetime of never being able to find shoes or insoles that cushion and support properly I was so happy to find these last year. I have these insoles for both my running shoes and my work shoes. Since I run long distance and work long hours in a hospital, they take quite a beating and have held up strong in both shoes!

I recommend these to anyone who complains about foot pain since they are custom molded but cost significantly less than getting something similar from a doctor.

The one mistake I made with the second set of insoles is that I did not mold them in the shoes I wear them in so it's not an exact perfect fit, but that's no fault of the product!

Honest reviews on Archmolds Maximum Cushion Insole

I have tried custom made insoles in the past for $160 and found them to be okay but very firm. I needed more them one pair, as switching them from shoes to boots was a real hassel. The cost was not practical, so I did some searching on the internet and came across Archmolds. I have been using them for years and perfer them over the customs. Due to the price, I am able to own several. I would highly reccomend them for people with bad feet or just those who work on their feet all day.

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The arch molds are a superior product ! I've worn super feet also but the arch molds have more cushioning and mold more specifically to my feet. I pronate severely and these have enabled me to play all of my sports ! Great product!

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