Like the Air Max 24/7's predecessor, the Air Max Plus, this running shoe offers superb cushioning and an excellent ride. The fit is quite comfortable and one of the best on the market for those that like excellent rebound throughout the entire foot. Despite its merits, however, (and also like its predecessor) the 24/7's durability for outdoor running on asphalt begins to fade at about the 300-mile mark. My current pair developed holes in the outer plastic-like part of the sole on the right shoe (not the left) at about 300 miles, which is entirely disappointing in proportion to the price. Although I bought my pair on sale and did not pay "list price", a good pair of running shoes should last closer to 500 miles; I have had earlier versions of the Air Max Plus last that long without encountering the problems that the latest ones have had.
Overall, I would recommend this running shoe if you can get it on sale, but not at full price. There are others out there that will offer similar qualities at a lower price.
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