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From a positive viewpoint, these shoes are supremely comfortable to wear in city conditions and for light hiking walks. The interior cushioning is one of the best aspects of many Teva shoes, of which I own a few different styles. However, You do need to be careful in wet or slippery conditions with this shoe the soles are rubber, and tend to lose some traction if conditions on your trail deteriorate. The shoes are waterproof (as advertised), but I would charaterize them as a light hiking shoe because of the soles.Best Deals on Teva Men's Raith eVent Waterproof Hiking Shoe
The stitching came loose on the front-inside seam within three weeks of receiving these shoes. Expecting that this was just a fluke, I exchanged them for a new pair. Those came undone in two weeks. Too bad, these are otherwise great shoes.Honest reviews on Teva Men's Raith eVent Waterproof Hiking Shoe
I bought these shoes to replace a pair of Merrell's I had for a couple of years. I wanted something that would be waterproof for wearing in the winter months or on a rainy day. The shoe looks good, it wears comfortably but it falls apart!The seams along the bottom edge where two materials come together have frayed and loosened. Making the shoe no longer waterproof. For a shoe of this price and with the Teva name I should expect to have a good useful wear life, similar to the 2+ years of the Merrells. But this didn't happen.
Another annoyance with this shoe is that the tongue is too short. You can actually see it in the picture. The laces go to the very top edge of the tongue and usually go over the tongue causing the laces to loosen, even when double knotted.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Teva Men's Raith eVent Waterproof Hiking Shoe
Nice looking, sturdy hiking/walking shoe. Given color,doesn't show dirt( we hike in Red Rock coutry..) and is waterproof. Runs about 1/2 size small, but does stretch out a little, so would recommend you get your regular size. Good price; fast delivery.Would buy again.
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